Facial Cleansing Oil - 250ml
This water-soluble facial cleansing oil using Castor Oil as core for its deep cleansing effects, and together with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil and pure essential oil blends, it not only dissolve the excess oily dirt and make up residue, with its unique water-soluble properties, when meets with water, it emulsifies, removes and clear out the dirt from pores, leave your face grime-free and supple soft touch without feeling dry. Refresh both your spirit and face everyday.
To Use : Place one pump of cleansing oil on dry hand, rub to warm the oil and gently massage onto dry face in a circular motion. This will remove makeup including waterproof mascara, dirt and other impurities. Rine with lukewarm water.
Active Ingredients : Castor Oil, organic Jojoba Oil , Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Tween, Vitamin E; Pure essential oils of Geranium, Lavender, Lemon and Teatree.